12 julio, 2015

El Dracma hace su aparición…



Between June 28 and July 4 at a Hilton hotel in Athens, transactions on a Bloomberg reporter's Visa credit card issued by Citigroup Inc. were posted as being carried out in ``Drachma EQ."

The inexplicable notation -- bear in mind, the euro remains Greece's official currency -- flummoxed two very polite customer service representatives and spokesmen for the companies involved. It depicts a currency changeover that the Greek government and European officials have been working for over six months to avoid.

Banks around the world are bracing for the increasingly real possibility that Greece may be forced to abandon the euro, a currency it shares with 18 other European countries. European negotiators have given Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras until Sunday to work out a final deal of austerity and economic reforms in return for more financing.

Citigroup and Visa Inc. declined to comment. A Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. spokeswoman said that the Athens hotel had billed the customer in euros, not drachmas. 

The amount was the same as it would have been in euros, implying parity with the single currency -- a possibility that economists have discounted as unlikely. Were Greece forced to reintroduce the drachma, its value would likely fall quickly versus global currencies, given the imbalance between Greek imports and exports and its economically unsure future.

Figuring out how the currency switch happened proved fruitless, in part because of the nature of the credit-card business. Each time a consumer swipes a card, information passes between four parties: a merchant, the merchant's bank, a network like Visa or MasterCard Inc. and the consumer's bank.

The merchant's bank -- called an acquirer -- works directly with a store, restaurant or hotel to help them accept cards, and processes transactions on their behalf by exchanging funds with the consumer's issuing bank via a network. Hilton declined to provide the name of its acquirer.

While computer systems at banks and credit-card processors would have to adapt quickly to allow cross-border transactions in a new drachma, the introduction of paper money would take a longer. Introducing a new currency typically takes at least six months and sometimes as long as two years, Ralf Wintergerst, head of banknote production at Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, a Munich company that has printed banknotes since the days of Germany's Reichsmark in the 1920s, said last week.

The response to the drachma billing mystery was more rapid. A day after Bloomberg began making calls asking about what might have happened, the reporter's online statement was changed. It now looks like this:

Por supuesto esto no es una coincidencia. Tampoco el que hayan emitido una nueva factura con euros.

Que una tarjeta de crédito genere una cuenta en una divisa específica que no existe es, para todos los efectos prácticos, imposible.

Diría que la suerte está decidida. Grecia saldrá del Euro. Y tendrá una nueva moneda que será emitida par y después se dejará flotar libremente, las deudas locales serán redenominadas en esta divisa y aquellas que fueron realizadas en Euros serán ofrecidas en la nueva moneda o derechamente se repudiarán.

Los términos del eurogrupo de este fin de semana hacen suponer que la suerte ya se echó. No son viables las condiciones que se están solicitando. Ni política ni económicamente para Grecia.

La soberbia de los eurócratas es infinita. Particularmente del ministro de finanzas alemán que por su propia cuenta está destruyendo Europa. Por imponer humillación a un país completo y por suponer que sus actos no tendrán consecuencias.

Esperemos que exista una reversa a toda esta actitud. Por el bienestar de todo el mundo.

Veremos como se desarrolla esto, pero me parece que ya no hay vuelta al tema. Desde el lunes, si es el caso, sabremos si es un momento Lehman…pero 2.0…

USD 400 billones en deuda no son fáciles de absorber cuando detonan múltiples cadenas de derivados bancarios y de fondos mutuos.

2 comentarios:

  1. La explicación de la imbecilidad humana nunca es racional.
    Aquí tenemos a los europeos del Sur, católicos y ortodoxos, que son perdonados cuando meten la pata, y tenemos a los Europeos del Norte, luteranos y calvinistas, que son juzgados por su comportamiento a lo largo de su vida. Grecia ya está condenada por los Alemanes y satelites, no matter what, mientras que los del Sur, de Francia para abajo, piensan que todavía pueden ser salvados. Period. Punto. El resto es viento.

  2. Por Dios, como odio la religión...jajaja


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